Bestseller in Slovenia… now available worldwide!

Get the first English edition of Human: Instructions for Use.


Human: Instructions for Use is on thousands of night-shelves in Slovenia, many a reader’s favorite manual for life, a wellness book in working clothes, or—whenever possible—naked. However, to call Human a wellness manual would be misleading. It is not so much about adding anything to your life. Human is about removing oppression.

The book makes a powerful case for liberating humanness from culture. A walk through your home once you’ve read Human won’t be the same any more. You’ll suddenly see cultural oppression on every step: in your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen…

Human doesn’t stop at pointing out culture’s defects; the book offers a selection of natural alternatives to the ways of modern civilization. Alternatives so simple and logical, you will wonder, how is it possible you’ve never heard about them before!

“This book turns your life upside down and gets your feet on the ground, as nature intended in the first place.”

Tatjana Šeneker

Bestseller in Slovenia… now available worldwide!

Get the first English edition of Human: Instructions for Use!


Human: Instructions for Use is on thousands of night-shelves, many a reader’s favorite manual for life, a wellness book in working clothes, or—whenever possible—naked. However, to call Human a wellness manual would be misleading. It is not so much about adding anything to your life. Human is about removing oppression.

The book makes a powerful case for liberating humanness from culture. A walk through your home once you’ve read Human won’t be the same any more. You’ll suddenly see cultural oppression on every step: in your bathroom, bedroom, kitchen…

Human doesn’t stop at pointing out culture’s defects; the book offers a selection of natural alternatives to the ways of modern civilization. Alternatives so simple and logical, you will wonder, how is it possible you’ve never heard about them before!

“This book turns your life upside down and gets your feet on the ground, as nature intended in the first place.”

Tatjana Šeneker

Praise for Human

“Human helped me remember what I always instinctively knew. I was able to put tips from the book into practice in my everyday life. That’s the most any book can give: practical experience.”

Martina Furlan Praznik

Human: Instructions for Use is the book for people on the path of self-realization and who want to treat their bodies better. The book confronts us with the self-evident, presented as a problem – sitting on chairs, toothbrushes and toothpastes, wearing shoes, “a pill a day takes all pains away…” Human takes the question: “How can I live with nature?” and begins with the answer: “First, learn how to poo!”

Matjaž Jevšnik

I literally devoured the book Human: Instructions for Use! For many years I had a feeling of stagnation, of slumber. Already after the first pages of the book I felt a strong urge to change. I tried out a few things suggested in the book and every time the results were fascinating; be it the breathing exercises, chewing sticks, squatting defecation, barefooting … I actually went for a hike to a nearby mountain barefoot. The weather was bad (3 degrees Celsius), the peak was covered in snow, I made it all the way and enjoyed it immensely. All I can say is: our feet are fantastic instruments!

Luka Vaupotic

Since I am a designer, the ideas in Human attracted me from that perspective. I questioned the objects I live with and the praise I give them as important design achievements—chair, table, shoe, toothbrush, toilet bowl, etc. To me, design has meaning when beauty, utility and ethics are present and balanced. Such design serves the individual and community, supports and nurtures us physically, mentally and spiritually, thus enriching our lives. The book calls into question the basic form of objects we have lived with for centuries in the West, while simultaneously opening a new space for research.

Jasminka Ferček


Purchase the paperback of Human: Instructions for Use for 15.00. Buy the e-book for for €4.00. Payable by all major credit cards. All orders are packaged and shipped with care by Nara from Slovenia. 


Purchase the paperback of Human: Instructions for Use for 15.00. Buy the e-book for for €4.00. Payable by all major credit cards. All orders are packaged and shipped with care by Nara from Slovenia.